Spiritual Life

We love our Catholic faith

It is our hope that when you walk into Everest Academy, you walk into a school of living faith. It is our hope that when you meet a student of Everest Academy, you meet a true Christian and Apostle of Jesus Christ. It is our hope that you find in the Everest community a true family in the Church. Below is a brief overview of the ways Everest strives to make this hope a reality!

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Love For Jesus

Daily morning prayers to Jesus as a school

Visits to Jesus in the Chapel by class or individuals

All School Mass: Fridays @ 2pm

Morning Mass: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Communion Services: Tuesday and Thursday

All School Adoration: 2nd Tuesday of every month

One-on-one formation mentoring for Middle School students

Virtue Campaigns

Love for Mary

Weekly Decade of the Rosary as a school

Daily Angelus and Memorare as a school

May Crowning

Living Rosary

Visits to Mary as a class and as individuals

Love for our Church

Celebration of Feast Days and Solemnities

Special Activities for Catholic Schools Week

Pope Day

Community and Family Events

Full Time Chaplain and Catholic Formation Team

A Heart of an Apostle

Apostolic formation classes that provide a venue for on-going mission projects by class.

Christmas Bash, Friday night live and Third Sunday Family Missions

Family and School-Wide Missions