Graduate Profile

RC School Graduate Profile

Students who graduate from a Regnum Christi school are integrally formed, understand that they are called to be Christian leaders, and are ready for higher education. Equipped with excellent academic preparation and their faith in Jesus Christ, they set out to invest their God-given talents to better this world.

  • They are personally driven to a lifelong search for truth, goodness, beauty, and wisdom. They seek to maximize their intellectual gifts, thinking with logic and working with order. Appreciative of both the heritage of our past and the advances of our present, they are capable of introspection, thinking for themselves, asking insightful questions, and finding meaningful answers.
  • They have developed a coherent view of the world, humanity and God that integrates faith and reason. Excellent communicators, they can speak and write clearly, conveying a message or emotion through suitable media. Open to aesthetics and creativity, they can enjoy the great works of humanity— art, music, literature—and are poised to make their own contribution to the world.
  • They are mature, in accord with their age, manifested in taking responsibility for their actions, emotional stability, and readiness to serve others. They rise from failures and persevere through difficulties, recognizing that success does not mean to never have setbacks, but to overcome them with determination, faith, family and friends.
  • They establish healthy relationships and genuine friendships. They have developed interpersonal skills such as trust, communication, mutual respect, and appreciation of other’s gifts that facilitate teamwork and building of community.
  • They understand that it is through their body – a temple of the Holy Spirit – that they express themselves and enter into relationship with others. They value and responsibly take care of their physical, emotional and spiritual health.
  • They use their freedom responsibly, have an upright conscience and discern the events of life and people in order to make wise decisions. They forge their character through the exercise of human virtues such as humility, magnanimity, sincerity, courage, and the four cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
  • They listen to God’s voice in a well-formed conscience guided by Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church. They have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is deepening through prayer, a life of grace, and the sacraments. They defend this friendship, seek to follow God’s plan for their life, love the Church and consider Mary as their mother.
  • They desire to communicate Christ’s love to others. They strive to identify the needs of their neighbors, live out the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and implement projects to help build Christ’s Kingdom, impact culture and better their world.


Where are they now?

High Schools Attended by Everest Graduates 

Marmion Academy

Benet Academy

Immaculate Conception Academy

Northridge Preparatory School

Immaculate Conception Apostolic School

Providence Catholic High School

St. Ignatious Prepatory High School

Sacred Heart Apostolic School

Lemont Public High School

Lockport Public High School

The Willows Academy

Marist High School

Montini Catholic High School

Carl Sandburg High School


Colleges Attended by Everest Graduates

Marquette University

Niagara University

University of Dallas

University of Illinois

University of Iowa

University of Steubenville

University of Wisconsin Madison

Baylor University

Lewis University

Loyola University

St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame

Texas A&M University

University of Notre Dame

University of Steubenville