Visit Everest Academy!
To request a virtual tour, email Frank Zabilka at [email protected]. To schedule an in-person tour, call Sue Zabilka at (630) 243-1995 or email [email protected].
The best way to evaluate a school for your children and family is to come and experience it for yourself! During a tour, you can learn about the school’s mission and philosophy, visit the classrooms, observe instruction and learn about a typical day.
Attend an Open House
Everest Academy hosts several Open House Events each year. Tours and Open House events allow time to visit each classroom, learn about our mission, curriculum, character and service programs, enrichment, after-school activities and athletics. Teachers and Administration are available to visit with prospective families and all questions and welcome!
For more information about Open House Events, contact the Admissions Office at 630-243-1995 or send an email to [email protected].
Ready to Apply?
Click here to begin the application process.